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Featured Speakers
& Panelists

Erastus Z. Allen

E. Oscar Alleyne

Antony Augay

Brad Billings

David Cameron

Donald Carducci

Louis Castle

Patrick Craddock

Jean-Frédéric Dicaire

Andrew Hammer

Dan Kemble

Robert McLeod

P. J. Roup

Dana Scofield

Kevin Wardally

Welcome to the Thirteenth Annual MRF Symposium!

The Masonic Restoration Foundation Symposium is the largest gathering of Masons in North America who are expressly committed to observing the highest standards of excellence in the Craft. This year, for the first time, we are returning to a location, one which is undoubtedly the most beautiful Masonic edifice in North America. The Masonic Temple in Philadelphia is without comparison, and we are delighted to be holding the Symposium there this year.

The Symposium will take place from August 23 - 25, 2024, and will be hosted by Alba Lodge No. 222.

Detroit Masonic Temple Entrance

As usual, the event will begin with a Harmony [Festive Board] held in the Grand Ballroom on Friday evening, conducted by the MRF Board, and featuring comments from our Keynote Speaker, MWB Brad Billings, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Along with our usual lineup of interesting speakers, brothers will have the opportunity to witness a rather unique Entered Apprentice Degree conferred by Alba Lodge No. 222 on Saturday afternoon. Registration for the Symposium is $125.00 USD, and $75.00 USD for the Saturday session only. Brothers who wish to attend only the Friday night Harmony will pay $65 USD.

We are hoping that this will be an opportunity for an exchange of different perspectives and methods of Masonic practice in North America. All the information you need to participate is found here on this web site. We look forward to seeing you at the Symposium!

Andrew Hammer
President, MRF

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MRF Symposium 2024