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Erastus Z. Allen
Erastus Z. Allen
Past Master, Lodge Ad Lucem No. 812, Pittsburgh, PA;
Treasurer, MRF

John W. Bizzack
E. Oscar Alleyne
Past Grand Junior Warden, Grand Lodge of New York; Member,
Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, UGLE

Antony Augay
Antony Augay
Senior Warden, Robert Burns Lodge No. 59, Las Vegas, NV

David Cameron
Brad Billings
Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Texas;
Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Texas

Donald Carducci
David Cameron
Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Canada [Ontario]; Templum Lucis Lodge No. 747, Stratford, ON; Board Member, MRF

Donald Carducci

Donald Carducci
Master, Victory Through Harmony Lodge No. 94, Montreal, QC

Donald Carducci
Louis Castle
Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Nevada; Past Master, Robert Burns Lodge No. 59, Las Vegas, NV

Patrick Craddock
Patrick Craddock
Prometheus Lodge No. 851, San Francisco, CA; Proprietor, The Craftsman's Apron; Vice-President, MRF


What is the MRF Symposium?
The MRF Symposium is a meeting place for Masons who are seeking the highest form of Masonic experience they can attain within their lodges, while strictly conforming to the laws, resolutions, and edicts of their respective grand lodges. It is a gathering for those who pursue quality in the Craft to share ideas and discuss their work. The Symposium begins on Friday evening at 7:30 PM, with a Harmony in the Grand Ballroom, and concludes before noon on Sunday. As always, we have assembled an excellent program of speakers and presenters to share their light with you.

Who May Attend the Symposium?
Any Mason in good standing may register for the Symposium, provided he is a member of a Grand Lodge which is a member of, or is recognized by any one of the Grand Lodges which are members of, the Conference of Grand Masters of North America, or the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Ireland, or the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Full Registration for the Symposium is $125.00.

Topics and Panels
- The Fortitude of Hiram
- Building Rectitude With Relevance: The Next Generation of Masonry
- Walled Gardens, Chesterton Fences, and Living Lodges
- Cutting Stones: The New Observant Lodge
- The MacBride Entered Apprentice Degree
- Victory Through Harmony: Transforming an Existing Lodge
- The Way We've Always Done It
- Are We Not Men?
- Time, Patience, and Perseverance: Dealing With Challenges in the Observant Lodge
- A Prince Hall Perspective on Observant Masonry
- A New Design Upon the Trestleboard

Download the full program in PDF format

MRF Program PDF file

Keynote Address:
The Fortitude of Hiram
Brad Billings, PGM; Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Texas

Brad Billings is the Grand Secretary and immediate Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas. His Keynote Address on Friday evening, The Fortitude of Hiram, will offer some thoughts on how one navigates the challenges we often face in walking along our Masonic journey.

Opening Address:
Building Rectitude With Relevance: The Next Generation of Masonry
Andrew Hammer, PM; President, MRF

Andrew Hammer is the Master of Alba Lodge No. 222, in Washington DC. He currently serves as Grand Historian and the Deputy Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, and is the Chair of its Committee on Work and Lectures. He is author of Observing the Craft, a Fellow of the Philalethes Society and the Masonic Society. Brother Hammer speaks to lodges throughout the world on observant Masonry, as well as philosophical aspects of the Craft. As President of the Masonic Restoration Foundation, he will give the opening address on Saturday morning.

Afternoon Address:
Are We Not Men?
E. Oscar Alleyne, Past Junior Grand Warden,
Grand Lodge of New York

E. Oscar Alleyne is Past Master of Wappingers Lodge No.671 in Wappingers Falls, New York, and is a Past Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of New York. He is a member of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, under the United Grand Lodge of England, and is one of the world's foremost experts on the history of men of color in Freemasonry. His afternoon address will explore the topic of fidelity between Freemasonry's words and its actions over the span of time, and even today, among all brethren of the Craft.

Closing Address:
A New Design Upon the Trestleboard
P.J. Roup, Senior Grand Warden,
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania

PJ Roup received his Craft Masonry degrees in Plum Creek Lodge No. 799 in Pittsburgh, PA in 1997. He served as Worshipful Master in 2002. He is also a Warrant Member of Lodge Ad Lucem No. 812, an observant lodge he helped to found in 2007. He served as District Deputy Grand Master of the 54th Masonic District from 2007-2016 and is currently the Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. His Closing Address on Sunday morning, entitled A New Design Upon the Trestleboard, will offer us a perpsective on how change is both perceived and dealt with in the Craft.


Jean-Frédéric Dicaire
Jean-Frédéric Dicaire
Past Master, Victory Through Harmony Lodge No. 94, Montreal, QC

Andrew Hammer
Andrew Hammer
Master, Alba Lodge No. 222, Washington, DC; Grand Historian & Deputy Grand Lecturer, Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia; President, MRF

Dan Kemble
Dan Kemble
Past Master, William O. Ware Lodge of Research, Covington, KY; Honorary Member, Lexington Lodge No. 1

Dan Kemble

Robert McLeod
Templum Phoenix Lodge No. 57, Fredericton, NB; Past Grand Senior Warden, Grand Lodge of New Brunswick

PJ Roup
P.J. Roup

Senior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania;
Past Master, Lodge Ad Lucem No. 812, Pittsburgh, PA

Jean-Claude Malterre
Dana Scofield
Past Master, Fibonacci Lodge No. 112, South Royalton, VT; Board Member, MRF

Kevin Wardally
Kevin Wardally
Grand Senior Warden, MWPHGL of New York; Past Master, Adelphic Union Lodge No. 14, Harlem, NY

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MRF Symposium 2024